Now Available:
Revolutionary, Swiss-Made Precisa Balances
Compare our world class balances to the top brands and you will find that our performance and affordable prices make us the best choice.​​
520 Balance Series:
Award-winning PHASTbloc™ hybrid weighing technology combines the benefits of current weighing cells with monolithic design.
Easy maintenance and repair of the weighing cell instead of replacing it - sustainability in practice.
Sturdy, user-friendly and the most economical balances without compromising on performance.
390 Balance Series:
The best ergonomics, including an ultimate low weighing pan level.
Extremely accurate and durable balances that offer touch screen technology, frameless automatic draft shield, self-linearization, and self-calibration.
The balances provide consistent results and with the easy-to-use menu, you will be familiar with your unique balance within minutes.
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Series 520 Balance Series
Series 520 PT
This range has a large glove-friendly touch screen, electronic leveling and stores an integrated audit trail, perfect for use with GLP/GMP quality systems for full traceability.
Series 520 PB
​A state-of-the-art balance with an extensive range of built-in applications such as counting, density, animal weighing etc. Plus, it includes statistics, a wide range of languages, RS232 and USB interfaces.
Series 390 Balance Series
Series 390 HF/HA
With the automated draft shield already installed, and the full set of applications, this smart design simplifies weighing.
Series 390 HE/HM
With both balance models you get the most important features and functionalities as well as the option to personalize and easily upgrade the balances.